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Move your Healthcare facility beyond legacy tools

Key Features

Here after a highlight on some essentials features of the kapsiki healthcare app

Comprehensive Medical Records System: All medical information in one place.

Centralized User Management
Role-based Access Control
Single Sign-On
Advanced Data Protection
OAuth 2 Authentication
Continuous System Monitoring

Healthcare Ordering Platform - Prescriptions, Diagnostics, Treatments, Medications, Lab Work, Imaging, and Referrals...

Comprehensive Medical Ordering Portal - Prescriptions, Tests, Procedures, and Consultations...

Direct and concise: Lab Results Grid: Real-time, searchable, and filterable.
More descriptive: Interactive Lab Results Portal: Instant access to test data with search and filtering capabilities.
Technical: Dynamic Lab Results Matrix: Offering real-time data visualization, search functionality, and filtering options.

Hollywood hype would have us believe that a hypnotist can control and direct our actions, and

Hollywood hype would have us believe that a hypnotist can control and direct our actions, and

Hollywood hype would have us believe that a hypnotist can control and direct our actions, and

Hollywood hype would have us believe that a hypnotist can control and direct our actions, and

Hollywood hype would have us believe that a hypnotist can control and direct our actions, and


brief overview

Kapsiki Healthcare provides clinicians with a user-friendly, integrated platform for efficient patient journey management.

Use the credentials below to access the app

Username: admin

Password: Admin123

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Secure Login

Patient Summary

Active Visits


Bed Management

Kapsiki Healthcare

Use the credentials below to access the app

Username: admin

Password: Admin123

Access Demo

An app you'll love using. Come take a tour

Access the App with User: admin / Password: Admin123

Open and Interoperable

An app you can run almost anywhere

Kapsiki Healthcare is built for the cloud, but not restrained by it. It can be deployed and operated on premises, on cloud infrastructure or embarked on portable hardware.

Out of The Box
setup on compact and portable hardware
On client's Premises
installed on clients own ICT infrastructure
In the cloud
deployed and operated securely in the cloud
In Hybrid Mode
setup meeting strict data regulations

An app utmost open and Interoperable

Kapsiki Healthcare is built atop open-source frameworks that meets international standard like FIHR AND HL7

OpenMRS 3 is the underlying core open-source Electronic Medical Record System component of Kapsiki Healthcare. It is built on modern frontend technologies.

Kapsiki Data Integration Component KaDi uses the FHIR interoperability standard and Enterprise Integration Patterns for secure exchange of electronic health care data, flexible and adaptable.

Kapsiki Healthcare natively meets Health Level 7, a range of global standards for the transfer of clinical and administrative health data between applications with the aim to improve patient outcomes and health system performance. 

Kapsiki business solutions are based upon industry-leading, state of the art open source technologies. This allows us to enable our clients to start fast and scale, and future proof their investment from day one while lowering the total costs of ownership.

Open MRS
Open Source

Leverage our enterprise-grade platform capabilities, start fast and scale

Large enterprises have unique needs that’s why Kapsiki gives you enterprise grade capabilities so you can buildf with confidence, knowing that apps built on Kapsiki will be sevure, scalable, governed, and maintainable

Ask us about our Healthcare Solution

Get in touch with us, and let’s work together to create a tailor-fit solution for your business needs.

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Kapsiki Platform